Read Online Too Late C Hoover 9781540324160 Books

By Jeffrey Oliver on Friday, 17 May 2019

Read Online Too Late C Hoover 9781540324160 Books

Download As PDF : Too Late C Hoover 9781540324160 Books

Download PDF Too Late C Hoover 9781540324160 Books

Sloan will go through hell and back for those she loves. And she does, every single day. After finding herself stuck in a relationship with the dangerous and morally corrupt Asa Jackson, Sloan will do whatever it takes to get by until she's able to find a way out. Nothing will get in her way. Nothing except Carter. Sloan is the best thing to ever happen to Asa. And if you ask Asa, he'd say he's the best thing to ever happen to Sloan. Despite Sloan's disapproval of Asa's sinister lifestyle, he does exactly what he needs to do in order to stay a step ahead in his business. He also does exactly what he needs to do in order to stay a step ahead of Sloan. Nothing will get in his way. Nothing except Carter. Recommended for readers 18+ due to scenes of graphic violence, including rape, murder and other sensitive issues.

Read Online Too Late C Hoover 9781540324160 Books

"LOVE Colleen Hoover and everything that she writes and Maybe Someday will always be my favorite but I think this one is now in 2nd place. If you haven't read this or any of her other books you are missing out on some great books."

Product details

  • Paperback 394 pages
  • Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 19, 2016)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1540324168

Read Too Late C Hoover 9781540324160 Books

Tags : Too Late [C. Hoover] on . Sloan will go through hell and back for those she loves. And she does, every single day. After finding herself stuck in a relationship with the dangerous and morally corrupt Asa Jackson,C. Hoover,Too Late,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1540324168,Romance - Suspense,Fiction,Man-woman relationships,Romance fiction,Romantic suspense fiction,Suspense fiction,Thrillers (Fiction),FICTION / Romance / Suspense,Fiction-Romance,PRINT ON DEMAND,Romance/General

Too Late C Hoover 9781540324160 Books Reviews :

Too Late C Hoover 9781540324160 Books Reviews

  • This is by far the most over the top, ridicules, silly, eye roll inducing book I have ever read in my whole entire life. The main character Sloan is a young women who is "trapped" with her abusive drug dealing boyfriend Asa. Due to financial hardship Sloan relies on him, becoming his sex slave, giving into him whenever and wherever because he takes care of her, and her brother. "Thankfully" Carter enters the picture and is more then willing to save Sloan from the hands of Asa. Through the length of the pages I kept thinking why cant Sloan rent a room, and god forbid get a job? Why is she crying about needing to stay with a man when she's not even willing to work for herself. I'm in college full time and work full time! Its hard but almost every person I go to school with works! Why would she run right into the arms of another savior?! She's pathetic. Asa is disgusting and over the top, and Carter is hilarious in the most negative way imaginable. This book sets women back about 50 years, which is sad coming from a women author.
  • Colleen Hoover is an amazing author , no matter what her stories are about she has a way of pulling the reader in. She makes you feel the story ,and it becomes an experience. She didn't disappoint with Too Late. The story of Sloan , Asa, And Carter/Luke. You automatically feel for Sloan, you want to help her . This book gutted me il, the stuff she has put up with for years , really her whole life. She thought Asa was he savior , to bad he was the devil in desquise. Then Carter shows up , but he has some secrets too. This story is gripping and keeps you on your toes. You won't regret picking it up. just make sure you have time to read cause you won't want to put it down once you start .
  • Im still perplexed at the fact that she wasn't planning on releasing this book. It was an outlet for her. God bless your way of deling with writing blocks. The book is awesome. Ive read most of Hoovers books and I can't say its the best one out there. But its on my top list of her books. The story is breathtaking and intriguing from beginning to end. Lost of sex and messed up events.
  • LOVE Colleen Hoover and everything that she writes and Maybe Someday will always be my favorite but I think this one is now in 2nd place. If you haven't read this or any of her other books you are missing out on some great books.
  • Another book by Colleen that’s absolutely killer! What an awesomely written book that had me reading all day and all night finishing in two days! Definitely a must read, especially for a CoHorts!
  • Is it possible to love a book and hate it at the exact same time? Asa is the embodiment of a POS. His chapters made me feel actually dirty. I was a little frustrated after the first epilogue.... but I think it ended how it was supposed to. Wasn't my favorite Hoover book but it's a good read.
  • I want to start by saying that this is my favorite Colleen Hoover book to date. I prefer a little darker read and this hit the spot. Colleen has a skill and that skill is that she can write anything and it will be nothing short of AMAZING.

    Asa Jackson (insert barf emoji) was repulsive. He was. But Collen writes with such a skill I almost started to fall for him at some point. Then the sneak would do something atrocious and remind me again why I hate him. One thing about Asa though is that he loves Sloan and when I say love I mean he loves her to the point that not being with her ISN’T an option.

    “and that's where love finds you... in the tragedies.”

    This quote couldn’t be more appropriate for this book or even in general. Tragedies bring out emotions and feelings that we never even knew existed until we experience them. Asa was the tragedy in this book… Ok so you want to know why in the world you would read this book about this horrible monster? Carter that’s his name. (Picture Jai Courtney if you would like.) I don’t think Colleen could have written a more patient character. The amount this man goes through to be with Sloan well it’s breathtaking.

    “He hugs me. That's all he does. He hugs me tightly without a word, yet I can feel everything he's saying.”

    Sloan is stuck with Asa in a sense. I won’t go into the details here but it’s heartbreaking, really. I would probably stay with him if I were in her situation as well. Sloan is probably one of the strongest female characters I have read. I enjoyed her. I put myself in her shoes. I had a similar situation (when I say similar I mean VERY similar) and I could imagine myself doing the same things. The Fear she felt. I felt it all over again with her. Every chapter I was scared for her.

    With that being said, if you need a tangled web of deceit and drama pick this book up now. If you need a book to make you feel and fall in love with its characters this book is for you. If you like Colleen and you just need a different side of her. Well guess what? This book is for you. Be prepared to gasp more than once but I promise the ending will satisfy you. You may even cheer, I know I did. And as the case with every other Colleen book you will find a deeper meaning than most anything else you will read.

    “Love. Love is not found. Love finds”
  • I've read all of C. Hoover's books, and really liked them all...until now. This was so much overkill and repetitiveness and not much story, unlike all her others. I was left wondering did she really write this? No real plot twists, limited characters and character development, lots of swearing and sex. What happened? Disappointing.